"Zaszkaliczky makes music when she portrays. The contrast between picture and background creates the perfect rhythm for the overall painting that is at the same time great in technique and unique in conception."
Art Daily News International Magazine, Contemporary Art Projects USA
“Portrait painting is the field where the technical skills of the artist are put to the test the most. Years of practice and education has helped me to reach the level where I am able to paint anybody’s portrait. I acquired the technique of classic portrait painting, which I learned from Russian experts. Later George Gheorghe, the restorer of the National Museum of Bucharest, became my mentor, who taught me the painting technique of Caravaggio.”
Vernissage am 19.9. ab 18 Uhr in der Blauen Galerie, Ungargasse 57, 1030 Wien Ölbilder, Skulpturen und Grafiken von zeitgenössischen Künstlerinnen und Künstlern aus ganz Europa zum Thema Kopf Laufzeit...
Mediterrán hangulatú megnyitón találkozhattak a Látlak című kiállítás új világokat feltáró képeivel azok, akik október 11-én este ellátogattak a Kodály köröndre.